Monday, December 3, 2007

Small Unit Tactics

In developing skills that would enhance a team's CQB tactics, one must also rely on established disciplines and proven tactics that can greatly increase proficiency of the group. Moreso in Real Action Marker training scenarios and tactical paintball, these tactics will also help increase survivability while enhancing the effectiveness of the team. The following article written by Squeegie outlines one such tactic, namely the Interdiction Team Tactic. It illustrates the composition of the team, as well as details the roles of each member of the group. Mastering this tactic will allow a small team to function and even be a credible threat to squads double their size.

The Interdiction Team Tactic

The small attack squad is a compact unit that is primarily used to spearhead attacks, or start a battle on a separate front. Sometimes referred to as "Interdiction" teams, these small squads are excellent tools for commanders. The small crew can easily penetrate into areas unseen, cause havoc, and move on to another objective. The interdiction team is no smaller than three members, but may exceed as many as 6 to 12 comprised of three man cells. We will look at what makes up a good interdiction team, the root of the team, and basic Interdiction tactics.

The Root

The root refers to the basic core of the team. Three players, all with a specific duty, but able to perform the duties of the other members. It is very critical that the other members are able to change duties at the drop of a hat. This gives the team more diversity and able to quickly adapt to any problems that may arise. The root team must also be very familiar with one another’s style of play. The players should have been playing together as a team for a very long time, and know what each others strong points are, as well as their weaknesses. This cohesion is critical. It should almost be second nature to know what the other teammates are going to do.

The team is broken down into three duties. Point, Sniper, Suppressor. These are your basic fundamental duties. Each player will use one another as a tool for the collective goal of completing the objective, be it overrunning a bunker or ambushing a squad. Know what your role is and stay focused your job and the objective. Lets take a close look at the roles.


Point works like a typical point man normally works. He is the eyes and ears of the squad. Usually running almost out of the sight of the rest of the quad, he locates the enemy and advises the rest of the squad on what course of action they should take to handle the approaching threat. When the firing starts, the point man acts as either a flank attack or bunker runner. The point man will do a lot of moving to say the least. He needs to be quick on his feet, have a good eye for spotting hidden enemy, and be able to access a situation clearly to allow the other members to understand.


Just as the name suggest, the sniper is the stealth end of the squad. He uses his talents as a force multiplier for the squad. Precision shots, stealth flanks, and drop back retreat ambushes all fall under the duties of the Interdiction Sniper. Usually wearing a ghillie, they are also used during the attacks as a means to eliminate the frontal attacking force while other members of the team provide covering fire. Once in place, the sniper can provide the same covering fire to allow other members of the team to advance. The sniper must be able to move quickly but quietly, and deliver accurate shots the first time. This is not the role for a pump gunner though. The sniper must also be able to rattle off the shots to help get out of bad situations, or provide covering fire for other members of the team.


This is the heavy machine gunner of the team. He is the man laying down the wall of paint. He keeps heads behind bunkers and enemy looking for cover. During his rain of terror, he is allowing the other members of the team to push forward under the safety of his bunker of paint. The suppressor needs to be fast on the trigger, carry a lot of paint, and not afraid to shoot no matter what. He is keeping the enemy pinned down, so he must be able to shoot & still keep his cool no matter how close the balls are getting to him.

Interdiction Squad Tactics

All the tactics for the team revolve around the same basic plan. Know this basic plan, and you can pretty much make your way through anything that presents itself.

Basic Plan

The basic plan revolves around simple principles. Point man provides the intel, plan of attack is laid down, suppressor applies pressure, sniper and point take flanks. The job of the suppressor is transferred to other team members to allow one another to move forward. It is simple, but very effective. Lets look at how this basic plan is used to take control of an enemy fort.

Basic Plan - Attacking Fortified Structures

Attacking any fortification should be done with recon first. Your point man should make his way as close as possible to gather intel about the number of enemy occupants, areas of defilade fire, and avenues of escape should things get ugly. Once he has relayed said information, the rest of the team moves in. The set-up is important. All team members must be in place before the attack is executed. Interdiction teams rely on surprise to confuse and rattle the enemies’ nerves. Try to establish the team in as wide of a pattern as possible. The unit should be in a "C" formation. This will help to prevent the team from being flanked. The sniper should be on a far flank, point on the other, with the suppressor located in the middle toward the back with a field of fire that spans the entire group.

The point man and the suppressor should take the first shots. They need to eliminate targets with these first hits. This will cause the enemy to scramble to replace the positions, thus buying you some time. After the first strike, the suppressor lays it on thick. He stays on the trigger to keep everything with half a brain ducking for cover.

Now we bring in the sniper. He uses this chaos to move up and get a closer position, preferably to cover the entry point for the team. The point man should move up as well and take over the job of the suppressor. This allows the suppressor to move forward and continue his blistering volley of gelatin-encapsulated fury. Once the suppressor is back into position, the rest is up to the sniper and point man.

The sniper should have a good bead on the interior of the building by now, so he needs to begin taking out targets of opportunity. With this new angle being compromised, the enemy will now have to contend with fight on two fronts. This will give the point man and the suppressor the chance to rush the structure, since the snipers fire now covers them. With the two attackers moving in, it is pretty mush a free for all.

Once you are inside, cover one another and acquire your targets quickly and accurately. If you are going to be hit, your chances are three times as good that it will happen once you breech the doorway. If you keep your cool, you will persevere. Congrats, you just took and enemy fort with three players.

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